February had the super pow in the Cottonwoods but then the big blue H decided to settle in. We occupied ourselves hitting some 3-star lines from the Wasatch Primer, but after 2 weeks of sun, a change of scenery was in order.
The PA Prince and bin Lawton were always up for adventure so we loaded up the Jeep with Tushar and Henry Mountains dreams. The ride went quick and before long we arrived at the lodge of the former ski area under blue skies and good coverage.
The snow was excellent corn with excellent views and excellent company. Who knows what we talked about but I remember much laughter and of course a never ending parade of offensive comments. We were able to top out on Mountain Holly and Mountain Great White Whale and let 'em run through the perfectly set-up corn. Hooting and hollering. Smiles all around.

The next day we headed to the Henry Mountains but there was too much snow to get close. Rather than admit defeat, Adam grabbed the map. We'd go hit up some slots in the Swell. He knew a place so off we went. Making something over nothing.
After skiing, we headed down into Beaver to Cindy's Pizza for some of the worst pizza we had ever had. Over the years Adam would return to the Tushars many times and on every trip he would call me to ask if I wanted him to pick me up some Cindy's and then break into his trademark laugh.
After Cindy's, it was on to the Renegade Lounge to wash that awful taste out of our mouth. Apparently we weren't renegade enough or maybe too renegade because everyone at Renegade just stared at us, bar-tender included. No words, just emotions. After about 20 minutes of extreme awkwardness, we decided to retreat. For some reason Adam found this hilarious.
Next up: Torrey, Utah. The Prince recounted his summer here and showed us the sites. He also told us the story of "Little Jerry Seinfeld." Adam and I never had laughed so hard. Ask the Prince. It lives up to this hype.
The PA Prince knew where they hid the state liquor store in this town. And it had refrigerated real beer! In Utah! Cold! In a fridge! In Utah! Cold! Amazing! We brought the rare frosty beers to a small red rock area called Lion's Something-or-other. Scrambling through this maze was a bit difficult because no one was putting their drinks down. We found an overlook and just BS'd for a while taking in an amazing desert sunset.
Do Not Put Down that Beer
The slots were amazing but the highlight of the day was trundling rocks and laughing like a bunch of idiots. Example 1. Example 2. It's the little things.
The Prince did not feel as if he was getting a good enough workout, so he grabbed a log for extra hiking weight. This brought Adam and I unlimited amusement. Eventually thoughts turned to desert whiskey, girls, and Napoleon Dynamite. Adam had been fixated on the Shoshone arrowhead line for a least a week, so when he found an actual arrowhead he knew it must be a sign. We had to go back to Alta to woo the new Alf's girls. There was to be a big party that night and with the power of the arrowhead Adam was convinced of imminent success.
And of course it worked.
Adam lived life to the fullest. He saw obstacles are junctions not barriers. Can't go this way, OK, let's go that way. And we're going to enjoy the hell out of it. There was no time to look back when you were with Adam. On to the next adventure. The next experience. The next mountain, river, wall, trail. No time for regret. It was never an option, ever.