The Chugach State Park lies entirely in the municipality of Anchorage. It's over 500,000 acres and contains 50+ glaciers. There are also 86 peaks over 5,000' which may not sound very high, but remember you can also windsurf the Pacific Ocean in this park.
Bleak Peak (5,430') and Bright Peak (5,745') are best approached from the Eklutna Lake Trailhead (900'). I opted to bike the 5 flat miles along the lake to the Bold Ridge trail. (0:25). After a quick-ish transition, it was time to head up the Bold Ridge Trail: an old, steep double-track with frequent switchbacks.
Berry alert!
- 2,100': watermelon berries aplenty
- 3,000' - 3,500': killer blueberries / crowberries
I left the Bold Ridge trail at 3,000' and traversed west crossing Sdaylent and Bold Creek. Elevation preservation was pointless through the deep but soft brush. After crossing the second creek, I pointed it up the SW ridge of Bleak. The directisimo was crushing but it got the job done quickly. (3:50)
The ridge between Bleak and Bright appeared techy so I descended to the pass between Bleak / Bright, dropped down to 4,500' (on the lake side of the ridge), and traversed into a steep South Facing scree gully. The gully was exhausting due to extremely loose gravel, scree, and mud. After gaining the ridge, loose scree mud gravel continued to aggravate right up to the summit. (5:10) The views more than made up for the effort.
Bold Peak from Bright
Marcus Baker and the Knik Glacier from Bright
More Chugach Gnarl
Bright is further back than I had expected. The easiest way back to the Bold Ridge trail is to follow the gentle ridge towards Bold Peak. Game trails make for quick travel. At Hunter Creek Pass, descend into the valley under Bold's huge North Face. Conveniently located springs provide much needed cool water.
Reenergized and rehydrated, I was able to pick up the pace. Eventually a thin trailed appeared which gradually thickened and before long I was on the Bold Ridge trail again. Blueberries were best at 3,000'-3,500', but in a few weeks the eating will be good up to 4,500'. The hike/bike out was uneventful and I was back in the lot 8:30 after leaving.
View of the Upper Route
Two more CSP peaks down. Hopefully the weather holds and I can get a few more before the snow flies.
- William Blake (a meek accountant)