As we drove back the fog made for some amazing visuals against the unusually calm Turnagain Arm. The fog thickened and we knew that we had made the right choice to get out of A-Rage.
Many options are on the table, including different ways of mitigating traffic, different levels of ski area expansion outside of existing boundaries, canyon-to-canyon lifts, requiring permits for backcountry users, reducing the amount of legal trailhead parking in the canyons, and more. If you care about the level of dispersed backcountry access in the canyons and the amount of terrain available to backcountry users, it would be a really good idea to attend one of those meetings or get a copy of the material presented and make your desires known. From their announcement: The Wasatch Canyons Tomorrow process is your opportunity to help update Salt Lake County’s 1989 Wasatch Canyons Master Plan. This plan guides land-use policy for City Creek, Emigration, Red Butte, Parleys, Millcreek, Big Cottonwood, and Little Cottonwood Canyons. With the doubling of the county’s population in the next 30 years, Wasatch Canyons Tomorrow will strive to ensure the long-term health of these treasured canyons, balancing land-use, transportation, and environmental concerns. If you cannot attend an open house, complete the important on-line survey at www.wasatchcanyons.slco.org. Tell a friend!!!
I just did the survey because I'm not in Salt Lake and cannot make the meeting and voice myself. You know my opinion and I know yours. Get involved and give a shit. Show up or do the survey please. It kind of seems inevitable that we will get shafted as backcountry skiers and yes snowboarders (sorry Keith). But giving your opinion might help?!?!?? What it comes down to is money. Expansion of the lifts will give Utah more jobs and more money in return. But fuck that!!!! Seems like another Denver in the making? Just the thought of a lift up Flagstaff or some other place or more beaters make me puke in my mouth and wish I could spit that shit in that asshole Shaaareeef's face who won't leave the boyz alone. That fucktard. He's a fucking pickle smooching twitter'erer. See ya'll soon.
The Glewstick carving some killer corn con cigarette.
Skiing towards the bottom we were in and out of a foggy haze. Was it the crippler or Shasta?
New Alpiner Boyd fixing the heel and fixing his problems.
The last stretch of snow before we had to hike down.
After skiing Shasta we went to the coast, climbed on the beach and Relaxed with the Arcata locals. I love California. Jake F.